Do you know that the Mexican Wolf is one of the species that are less than 1,000,000 in all over the world?Well if you do not know it this is for you.
The Mexican Wolf lives in Sonora’s desert and as the hunt of deer is growing up the Mexican Wolf is being left without food so theyare getting extinct and it is also being hunt .
Two solutions are here to say no to the chase of deer and Mexican Wolf other is not eating deer. Did you know that in 1870 all NorthAmerican farmers kill at least 1 Mexican Wolf or that in 1975 the Mexican Wolf was inducted to the endangered animals act or that the Mexican Wolf is also endangered because the human being has urbanized the desert of Sonora ?
A page you can see is the
I like your text because it is true that we have to save the mexican wolf because it is part of the nature as all the animals we know