The forest size in Asia has been reducing for the past decades to a critical size. As the forest grows smaller, the number of animals that live within also suffers.
Tigers are a group of animals that suffer the most as there are not enough prey for them to survive. On their suffering, tigers begin to eat the livestock of villagers who live near them. Sometimes tigers even attack humans. People sometimes kill the tigers in order to protect themselves and their livestock.
As human populations move farther into the forest, groups of tigers become separated from each other by villages and farms. This means that tigers in one area can no longer mate with tigers in nearby areas. Instead, tigers must breed repeatedly with the same small group of animals. Over time, this inbreeding weakens the gene pool, and tigers are born with birth defects and mutations.
All of these issues are placing the Asian tigers under an extinction warning and we all should feel responsible and must take action to prevent this catastrophe.
My personal opinion is that humans should be aware that actions, such as timber exploitation are truly hurting species. The more we carelessly perform these activities, the more we are leaving a terrible world for our children and generations to come.
Let’s save the tigers!!!, only buy recycled wood!!!
Very good amadeo its a very good essay and I love the white tigers good luck¡¡¡¡