jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

Help the white tiger they need you

The White tigers are endangered because of some poachers and because they destroy its habitat.

Some poachers kill them because they sell their fair to rich people or sell the young tigers to zoos.

Nowadays there are les tigers. There are other reasons why they are endanger one of them is because they don’t find food like animals because people take they hunt.

These friends can help you if you help and why not help.

Here are some ways to save them recycle paper or people won’t stop destroying its habitat.

If you are not using the electricity turn of the switch of your room.

André Mendez


Do you want to be a Tourtle?

...do you want to be a tourtle??The Marin tourtle is an specie endangered about what we are doing with their environment, the environment of a lot of animals. We are throwing garbage to the trashcan and we don’t care, we think that we are not dying about this, but I am sure that yes because the ocean is part of our environment, you want the future generations see there.


This animal is endangered because:

  • We throw our trash to the ocean, their habitats.
  • We take from the beach and we don’t care, only we don’t care.
  • Don’t use plastic bags, because they think that is food and eat them and in a short time die.


My conclusion is that if we don’t care about it in a short time we can not see them anymore in the ocean and I am recycling paper, no wasting water and we need to make the same.


miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

A Small Action, a Big Step… Save Our Tigers!

Beauty, Mystery and Strength are all the qualities for which the tiger has been admired and feared. Because of this animal’s reputation as a dangerous foe, those who hunted the tiger often were respected for their bravery. Tiger hunting became a popular sport, so this affected them and contributed to their extinction.

Now a days, tiger hunting is restricted by law, but the habitats in which these cats live, are still being destroyed.
They live in forests, wooded hillsides and swamps in part of Asia. People is also finishing with their food, such as wild cattle, deer, antelopes and other small animals; but when they don’t find these food, they eat any kind of meat.

A century ago, 100, ooo of tigers roamed much of Asia. Tigers lived wherever water, prey and places to hide were plentiful. They prowled rainforests, wooded hillsides and swamps. Today, they only survive in parts of that range, they only remain 5, 000; and in the islands of Java and Bali, this cat is probably extinct.
It is very sad that people continue polluting, overexploting and hunting animals if they both live in the same world, and apart, it is probably that other species deserve more the benefits of the planet than human beings.

People is caring and reintroducing these mammals to their natural habitats.

I would restrict people going into the areas where they are being reintroduced; and make people donate money as volunteers to help them.
You can help with actions like:
  • Throwing and separating trash in the trashcans
  • Using organic products
  • Recycling any kind of materials
  • Saving water and electricity
  • Caring animals
    Hanna Zamorano Pizá

Help me Save George

George or “The Lonely George” is the unique specimen of its specie, the Galapagos Turtle.
Since 30 years he have been unique, and why, because of our fault, many people dedicated to hunt these animals.
But now, he is alone.
Now on these blog I want to tell you that, I am optimistic, and I think that any people can have captive the solution for George´s problem.
It doesn’t matter if he is a criminal, a millionaire, or anything you can imagine I just ask him to leave it free, not for me, not for you but for George.
Please don’t leave it alone.

By: Fernando

Wild Snow

The white lion is an extrange change of the sudafrican lion, his color is caused by a recesive gene, in wild they can’t survive because her white skin, hasn’t the correct camouflage.

There’s only a estimate 500 wild lion world wide in captivity, the animal has been hunted until extinction in wild world by hunters and people who pay huge sums to conserve her skins. There is no law to protect these exotic animals.

The global white lion protection trust (WLT) is a South African community and development organization establish in 2002 by author and conservationist Linda Tucker.



The forest size in Asia has been reducing for the past decades to a critical size. As the forest grows smaller, the number of animals that live within also suffers.

Tigers are a group of animals that suffer the most as there are not enough prey for them to survive. On their suffering, tigers begin to eat the livestock of villagers who live near them. Sometimes tigers even attack humans. People sometimes kill the tigers in order to protect themselves and their livestock.

As human populations move farther into the forest, groups of tigers become separated from each other by villages and farms. This means that tigers in one area can no longer mate with tigers in nearby areas. Instead, tigers must breed repeatedly with the same small group of animals. Over time, this inbreeding weakens the gene pool, and tigers are born with birth defects and mutations.

All of these issues are placing the Asian tigers under an extinction warning and we all should feel responsible and must take action to prevent this catastrophe.

My personal opinion is that humans should be aware that actions, such as timber exploitation are truly hurting species. The more we carelessly perform these activities, the more we are leaving a terrible world for our children and generations to come.

Let’s save the tigers!!!, only buy recycled wood!!!


If you save the ocelots they can save you!!!

   The ocelot is one of the many animals that are classified as vulnerable endanger species, and it is because the man want more and more and have destroy his habitat and we don’t take care of it and we only take care of our own necessities to reach a good level of well being.

   The ocelot is a wild cat distributed over South and Central America and Mexico. 

   Hundreds of thousands of Ocelots have been killed.They are killed because the humans have hunt it to make clothes with their skin. Another reason is that the men have cut down the trees and it is the cause why they haven’t where to live.

   If the human being take care of these animals and not of their necessities the ocelot and many animals would be happy and they don’t will be endanger of extinction.

   So I think that we haven’t to scorn animals because they are also living beings and they feel pain like us so we wouldn’t like that someday we suffer like ocelots so help them and save them because they can save you one day.


white tigers

¡¡¡save the black stripes!!!

The white tigers live in India. Its color is white because of their genes. They are a very special animal because the female takes care of their cubs. It’s in extinction because the poachers are very interested on their skin also the people contract them to film movies and shows thatprovoce that some tigers dont have a long live. Tell people the situation & the information about the white tiger maybe they can reflect & understand their situation.

There are each time more tigers in zoos than in the wild, so we have to finish with th poachers and the peaple who works at the zoos

Ilse Salinas Carreón

Do you want to lose a friend?

The polar bear is a friend that lives in the North Pole, but he is in danger of extinction because we are polluting and we provoke the global warming. The global warming is the overheating of the earth. This makes the poles melt. And if the poles melt the level of the sea increase so many cities can disappear, and people may die. As the ice melts very fast every year, and the polar bears can’t hunt their food (seals) because they have to cross the sea when it is frozen and then they have to return to the land. But they have to have a platform to hunt and cross the sea. They start to swim until they find food and if they don’t find food they die, and if they don’t die right away, they will die of being swimming many days (of being tired).

But we can prevent it. If you don’t want to lose a friend or lose cities like Hong Kong, you can do something:

· We can promote the organic food

· If you don’t have to go to a long distance, we can use the bicycle

· Use natural friendly products

· If you don’t use the electric light, turn it off

· Recycle the paper

If you do these things you will have one more friend, the earth.



Marine turtles are one of all the animals that are in danger of extinction because the persons throw garbage in the beach. Also there are persons that take the eggs to eat them and that’s illegal because they are in danger of extinction.

One form of saving the marine turtles are: to have policemen in the beach, to protect there habitats, have a marine

Conservation program in México and have more trash cans in the beach. I have seen in Acapulco and Jalisco all these things included a liberation program.

Be thinkers and ask your salve marine turtles have to leave like that you decided make all the sinks we have said.


Save the animals of your planet now!

There  are  some  people  that  affect  the  nature  and  animals,  and  make  them  to  be  endangered   and  one   of  the  animals  that  is  endangered  is  the  jaguar  and  its  problems  are ,  that the humans  hunt  them  for  their  skin    to  produce  shoes,  purses,  or  clothes.

Another   cause  is,  that  we  are  destroying  or  making    modifications  to  their  habitats.

As  I  have  mentioned,  this  are  the  most common causes .

People  go  after  jaguars  for  no  reason  and they  sell  their  skin  for  a  few  dollars.  But  above  all,  they  are  cutting  the trees,  burning  forests  and destroying  mangroves,  which  are  the  regions  where  they  live  and  hunt .

The  regions  in  which the jaguar lives  have  fallen,  since it is  highly  prized  for their  fur,  and  had  been  exterminated  in  many  regions  of  this  century  as United  States,  Most of  Mexico,  Uruguay,  Argentina,  east  of  Brazil  and  some other  parts  of  South  America.

It  is  worth  mentioning  that   the  problem  of  endangered  species  is  due  to  the  diversity  of  factors  involved  (hunting,  illegal  trade,  habitat  reduction,  etc..),  But  mainly  to  the   difficulty  in  assessing  the  effects  of  human  actions  to  short   time.

How can you  help?!

Avoid  buying   products   that   are made   of   jaguar   skin   and   avoid over exploiting   natural   resources and   seek   support   institutions   such   as   Calakmul   in   Campeche,   Quintana   Roo   Sian  Ka'an.


Grizzly Bears

1. Problem

· Grizzly bears are in danger because people are destroying their habitat by building houses, roads, and cutting the trees of the areas where they live.

· Hunters are also killing grizzly bears illegally.

2. Causes

· The pet and bird’s food causes the death of the grizzly bear.

· Illegal hunters kill grizzly bears.

· The construction of new houses and roads endanger the survival of the bears.

3. How I can help?

If I live in a place where grizzly bears live, I will organize meetings to avoid people to put their garbage cans outside their houses.

I will also create an organization call “Grizzly Bear Police” to locate illegal hunters.

Did you know where to locate Grizzly bears?

They live in areas of Alaska, Canada, and The United States.

Click in the following link to watch how Grizzly Bears are killed by hunters in Alaska



The White Tigers Need you

White tigers are very rarely found in the wild. In about 100 yeas only 12 white tigers have been seen in the wild in India. They are almost extinct and most of them live in captivity, mostly in zoos. This specific tiger is neither an albino nor a separate subspecies of the tiger. They are beautifully white colored and have black stripes. It has blue eyes and a pink nose. It also has white colored fur. The white tiger is born to a Bengal tiger that has the gene needed for white coloring. A pure white tiger has no stripes and are totally white.

Tigers usually stay in an area from about 10 to 30 square miles where there is enough prey, cover or shelter and water to support them. Territory actually depends on the amount of prey that is available. The more concentrated the prey the smaller an area a tiger needs to survive.

Life span:
White tigers in the wild live to be about 10 to 15 years while tigers in zoos usually live between 16 and 20 years.

Diet: Tigers do not hunt in social groups like lions. They are generally solitary animals. In the wild, tigers will eat pig, cattle and deer. They can eat as much as 40 pounds of meat at one time! After such a big meal a tiger will not eat again for several days. White Tigers have 30 large teeth ranging from 2.5 to 3 inches.

Caring for Young: Tigers are generally solitary animals, except when caring for their young. Tigers keep their young with them for 2 or 3 years until the young tigers can defend for themselves.

Status: At the beginning of this century it was estimated that there were 100,000 wild tigers; today the number is less than 8,000.


Mexican prairie dog

Mexican prairie dog (cynomys mexicanus)

The Mexican prairie dog is found in the states of Coahuila and San Luis Potosi; it once also lived in the states of Nuevo Leon and Zacatecas.

The Mexican prairie dog is losing habitat to the expansion of agriculture and livestock farming. Many colonies have been exterminated through poisoning.

This species is listed as Endangered (Very high risk of extinction in the wild) given that its extent of occurrence is less than 600 km2, its distribution is highly fragmented, and there is continuing decline in its extent of occurrence, area of occupancy, extent and quality of its habitat, and number of locations and subpopulations.

This little mammal has been suffering because it is considered a plague for farmers so they kill them by poisoning , also they are killed by our pollution. In the red list this animal is considered in very high risk of extinction.

We need to teach people that this animal doesn’t represent a plague and doesn´t hurt the crops, so they stop killing them. Also we need to raise them in captivity in order to preserve specie.

They are herbivorous and eat mainly grass, seeds and weeds, also they eat insects. Because of their diet Mexican Prairie dogs help to maintain the composition of soil and grasslands.

This species has lost at least 65% of its habitat, because it has been converted for agriculture and other uses. It is considered extinct in Zacatecas, which represented 10% of its original range. San Luis Potosi, representing 25% of its original range, has also been heavily converted to agriculture, and the extraction of water has dried up soils and grasslands.

My conclusion is that Mexican prairie dog isn’t a problem for us we are the problem for them because we kill them by polluting and by other many reasons. We don’t have to kill them because they don’t do anything bad to us and they are harmless. So have empathy and see as they see the world and think how they feel when there are killed by not doing nothing. We have to protect them!

Pedro Ortiz –Monasterio

...And Polar Bears became extinct?

I chose Polar Bears, because I want to talk about this endangered species, &
how, we, that and as we, who supposedly love them, we have destroyed them over the years, their habitat is the only place where you can experience this great life, thanks to its characteristics.

It gives me great sorrow and pity, as being a beautiful place and once we saw it in films, television programs, etc., now, is nothing but an immense sea.

What how can you help?
It's easy if you want to help, but very few do, if you are of those few, try not to use gel (which aids global warming), also try not to attend exhibitions to see this animal in its natural habitat, instead try to see them in documentaries or programs, as before.

Come on is easy, you can make a difference!

...And Polar Bears didn´t become extinct?



The koala bear is one of the endangered animals in the World.


The koala bear is a mammal that lives in the Eucalypts trees.

 If the koala bear is not in its habitat it can not survive, this is an important reason of why he is danger of extinction. But a biggest problem is that we destruct koala bear’s habitat and we don’t care

 Humans construct paths in koala bear’s habitat so if they are not in their Eucalypt tree they can die because they take their food from their habitat (Eucalypt tree).


But YOU can make the difference only if you cooperate with persons that save them or if you make campaigns for don’t constructing paths in koala bear’s habitat or if you don’t cut down the trees or something that you have heard every were so please

             DON’T POLLUTE!



If you want your children to know the Dolphin,

Dolphins are mammals, they eat fish, and they live in the oceans. Dolphins are endangered because there are people who hunt animals to sell them and earn money. One of those animals is the dolphin, the hunters kill dolphins to have their fur and sell it in high prices, also the people hunt dolphins to eat their meat, Another reason why the dolphins die is because the people throw the trash in the beach or in the sea so the dolphins think that it is food and the dolphins eat the trash and they die. I have a solution to save the dolphins, which is to place a coast guard in some parts of the oceans to save all the animals that live in the sea including dolphins.

If a person kills an animal or a dolphin that person must have a punishment.

Please if you want to save the dolphins and the animals of the ocean try to be more conscious and start acting.



Warning México is in danger

Do you know that the Mexican Wolf is one of the species that are less than 1,000,000 in all over the world?Well if you do not know it this is for you.

The Mexican Wolf lives in Sonora’s desert and as the hunt of deer is growing up the Mexican Wolf is being left without food so theyare getting extinct and it is also being hunt .

Two solutions are here to say no to the chase of deer and Mexican Wolf other is not eating deer. Did you know that in 1870 all NorthAmerican farmers kill at least 1 Mexican Wolf or that in 1975 the Mexican Wolf was inducted to the endangered animals act or that the Mexican Wolf is also endangered because the human being has urbanized the desert of Sonora ?

A page you can see is the
hojas verdes.org

Don’t erase me! If you want to meet me

The Mexican wolf has been listed as an endangered species since 1976. The causes that make this specie endangered:
The men harvesting on their lands to feed the livestock, Farmers shooting them to protect livestock, the destruction of their habitats.
By these actions we are causing the disappearing of a species and the pollution of our environment.
There are organizations,intitutions that help the Mexican wolf to don’t disappear.

an example of an organization that helps the mexican wolf, named defenders of wildlife.
an example of an reintroducing program is the NATURALIA POR EL LOBO MEXICANO that promotes measures and actions of conservation for the mexican wolf.
Some organizations promote measures, actions and campaigns of conservation for the Mexican wolf.
We can help these organizations or institutions, making donations or good actions (adopting a wolf, or buying a wolf saving gift).


link of the organization defenders of wildlife:http://www.defenders.org/

Do you want to save a friend or kill it and kill you?

The polar bear is a mammal that lives in the Artic zones, sadly is in danger of extinction, but the worst thing is that we are the cause.

Thousands of polar bears die of tiredness, because they don’t find a place to rest. The ice melts because of the global warming, so when a polar bear goes to the ocean in search of food, they dont find a place to repose, and they die.

But you can change that! How?

With simple and small things that you can do in your house or in the school.

Example: the plastic bag is one cause of why the planet has many pollution, and help to the global warming. But you can avoid these problems with a cloth bag.

You can help too: use only the energy that you really need, recycle the paper, separate the trash and when you go to a near place dont use the car and use the bicycle, the rollers skates, a vehicle that dont pollute or you can walk.

But if you dont care and you said "The polar bear are extinct, how this affect me, for this I will not die, I was healthy". If you think that you make a mistake, this affects you, how? Very easy, the principal cause that make that the polar bear was in danger of extinction , is the unfreezing of the ice, and this affect you because the ice is water, and when this unfreeze transform in water and the water surpass the borders and this provokes floods.

Conclusion: the extinction of polar bears affects you.

Finally do you want to save a friend or kill it and kill you?

Is your decision, choice the better!
