miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Danger but in danger

Poison frog is specie that like others is in danger of extinction. Maybe you think that it is only a frog but if human stop killing this specie it will help nature and humans.

The poison frog is a really chased creature because of the colors you can find in their body, also this is a creature that is capture for illegal traffic and because of the deforestation problems that this creature face which is the main problem.

There are many solutions but we as children can do many things: maybe the first thing is to know that this is affecting the planet and then maybe something simple as proposing an idea to save them and that will maybe save the poison frog.

Something important is to remember that if poison frog becomes extinct, then it will affect other animal such as the Mexican wolf or the golden frog that may continue as that until human don’t have anything else to eat.

Luis Guillermo

1 comentario:

  1. It is good the information but i think you can add more
